Planning Landscaping - All Articles

Here's a convenient summary page of articles you may find enlightening, or entertaining. Including at least one cautionary tale...


  • Avoid My 3 Mistakes
    Beginners' mistakes in planning landscape, and how to avoid them. Addresses initial planning and plant spacing, with an eye toward long-term maintenance.
  • The Plot Plan
    How to create a plot plan of your property, and work in landscaping ideas and landscaping designs--both plants and hard surface.
  • Landscape As Art
    Planning landscape involves more than just creating functional outdoor space. Make it aesthetically pleasing, as well.


Planning Landscaping Tip: Get Use To This!


My 3 Mistakes
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Landscape As Art
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With Tips Like These...

To keep deer from eating your valuable plants, you can shake ground red pepper on the foliage, set up a motion-sensor sprinkler to blast water at them, or hang aluminum pie plates in trees to sway in the breeze. But none of it will work.

–Fred T., New Jersey

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